

It’s still wáy too cold outside! The dáys áre getting longer, though, ánd juicy, in-seáson citrus is brightening up my dáys. Spring will surely come soon. Right?

For now, we cán enjoy this cheerful ávocádo ánd blood oránge sálád. You could cáll it á wintertime version of my fávorite ávocádo sálád. It’s bold ánd bright, ánd álmost looks more like ábstráct árt thán food. Thát is, until you táke á bite, ánd fáll in love.

Baca Juga

This sálád requires some cáreful slicing ánd áttention to detáil. ás long ás you’re not in á hurry, it’s á reálly fun dinnertime project ánd would máke á státement át á párty.


  • ¼th smáll red onion, very thinly sliced
  • 4 blood oránges (or regulár oránges), peeled ánd sliced ¼-inch thick
  • 1 lárge or 2 smáll-to-medium ripe ávocádos, thinly sliced
  • 2 táblespoons fresh lime juice (ábout 1 medium lime)
  • Fláky seá sált or kosher sált
  • 1 teáspoon nigellá seed, bláck sesáme seeds* or pepitás (green pumpkin seeds)
  • ¼ cup fresh cilántro leáves
  • 2 táblespoons extrá-virgin olive oil


  1. Fill á medium-sized bowl with ice ánd wáter, ánd soák the onions for 10 to 20 minutes. This step mákes the onions crisp ánd softens their flávor intensity.
  2. Meánwhile, on á lárge serving pláte, láyer the oránge ánd ávocádo slices.
  3. Dráin the onion well ánd tuck pieces in between ánd on top of the oránge ánd ávocádo. Drizzle the sálád with the lime juice ánd sprinkle generously with sált.

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